I'm currently staying with a host. What should I do?

I'm currently staying with a host. What should I do?

If you are currently staying at a host’s place during the COVID-19 emergency, first of all do not panic. There are some provisions that, if applied correctly, will make sure that both you and your host will be much safer during your stay together.

First of all, respect social distancing. Always keep at least 2 meters distance between you and your host. This obviously implies no direct contact of any sort: no handshakes, no hugs, no kisses.

Secondly, wash your hands carefully very often during the day, and avoid touching your face, your mouth, your eyes and your nose, especially if your hands haven’t been carefully disinfected before.

Thirdly, keep the space clean, and always disinfect high-touch surfaces: we’re talking about handles, knobs, light switches, remotes, drawers, faucet handles, toilet flushers, the fridge and microwave doors, table and desk surfaces (especially the ones where you eat or work on the most during the day).

Finally, always keep yourself informed on the local authorities’ provisions concerning the COVID-19 pandemic and follow them diligently.